WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 18/05/06 Paper 2 Cairngorms Tourism Conference 2006 Prepared by: Heather Galbraith, Sustainable Tourism Officer Purpose: To seek the views of the ViSIT Forum on suggested topic(s) for the Cairngorms Tourism Conference 2006. 1. Background An annual park-wide Tourism Conference is recommended in the Sustainable Tourism Strategy to allow 2-way communication between local tourism-related businesses and the CNPA & partner organisations. The 2005 conference took place on Wednesday 26th October at the Lecht Ski Centre. Topics included branding, GTBS, quality assurance and marketing. The four afternoon workshop topics were Visitor Information, Outdoor Access, Funding for Marketing and Working Together. Feedback forms were distributed to delegates, and they were asked to suggest topics for future conferences. 2. Date and venue A date of 1st November 2006 has been agreed for the 2006 seminar. The Lecht ski centre was well-received as a venue and helped to ensure a good geographical mix of delegates. It is currently the preferred venue for the 2006 conference, although any other suggestions are welcomed at this stage. 3. Potential topics Topics suggested by last year’s delegates are: • Businesses working together, destination management organisations • Marketing feedback on specific questions that are submitted before the conference • Slightly more emphasis on activities which bring tourists in rather than on businesses which provide accommodation • Time for discussion – good follow-up information • Q&A – communication / contact of local ad-hoc groups / names / websites etc • Pride and Passion – follow-on from points raised today • A question and answer day where agencies are asked to answer and delegates aim to come up with specific ideas to address problems • Non-accreditation issues • How to improve the visitor experience • Workshops with individual actions taken away by delegates In addition, some delegates felt that the programme should be set closer to the time to deal with more topical issues. Other topics suggested so far are: • Education, skills and careers • Engaging small rural businesses • Measuring and Monitoring The Forum is invited to discuss the suggestions above and highlight any other potential topics. 4. Next steps A draft agenda will be put forward at the next ViSIT Forum meeting in September, or could be circulated for comment by e-mail prior to the meeting if preferred.